Write, Write, Write

Writing is a way to celebrate everything around you. It’s creative. It’s fun. It’s your way to be a story teller. Do you remember reading a book where the character jumped off the page and dragged you into their adventure? Your heart may have raced. You may have laughed out loud. But it was fun. And there is no reason why you can’t write the same thing.
Before you get started, I want to offer you two things to think about.
One - Believe in yourself. It’s easy to doubt yourself and think your story is no good. But listen to your characters and let them give you a good kick in the behind. They are important and they have a story to tell. Just do it!
And two – Never give up! No matter what. Write, write, write and write some more. Your muse will be so happy to get out and play. And a happy muse, means a happy you!
Before you get started, I want to offer you two things to think about.
One - Believe in yourself. It’s easy to doubt yourself and think your story is no good. But listen to your characters and let them give you a good kick in the behind. They are important and they have a story to tell. Just do it!
And two – Never give up! No matter what. Write, write, write and write some more. Your muse will be so happy to get out and play. And a happy muse, means a happy you!